We use the Fetal Medicine Foundation protocol and algorithm for the calculation of the risk of Down’s syndrome in the first trimester.
20w sonar
Here, you can find a protocol for the structural fetal ultrasound which had been developed in Utrecht, and adapted for South African conditions. It also includes information on fetal echocardiography and neurosonography.
Fetal abnormalities
This is no text book (follow the link to download a free text book), also no replacement for excellent sites such as VISUOG, but interesting and useful information for the connoiseur.
- Cardiac outflow anomalies – an exellent summary table with links to video clips by Cathy Cluver and her Australian colleagues
- Renal cystic disease– another exellent summary table with links to video clips by Cathy Cluver and her Australian colleagues
For the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot do better than pointing you to the excellent and up-to-date resources of ISUOG.
Useful links
- Perinatal care calculators from Perinatology.com
- NIPT update: online resource centre from Wiley; edited by prof Joris Vermeesch from the KU Leuven
- NIPT/Cell Free DNA Screening Predictive Value Calculator
- Video demonstrating subcutaneous injection of fragmented heparin for patient information